Class Overview


There are a variety of benefits to youth becoming involved in partner dancing.  These benefits have social, emotional, and physical impacts for your youth. These benefits will not only impact them now but will carry over into their adulthood.   Click here for flyer


Social Emotional Physical

Meet new friends Reduces stress Fun way to exercise

Improves social skills Builds confidence Develop good posture

Learn something new Sharpens focus Build strength

Communication skills Increased happiness Greater flexibility

New cultural experiences Reduces anxiety Builds endurance

All of these benefits can have monumental effects on teenagers.  Not only does our PULSE class teach partner dancing but we also have a focus on building character within our youth.  Character traits can set someone apart from the others now and down the road. We try to build up our youth in order to increase their opportunities in the future.



We start our time together with a sharing time of each of our highs and lows from the week.  Gratitude is one of the character traits we discuss and being grateful for the good things in our lives is a value we feel is extremely important.  We share our lows because it is also important to know when things are bad you have a group of peers who are there to lift you up and encourage you.  We learn to practice compassion, another one of our character traits.

After sharing our highs and lows, we discuss our character word for the month.  Gratitude, compassion, creativity, respect, and many other character traits are discussed.  We talk about why it is important to begin to embody these traits. We discuss ways we can practice them in our everyday lives.  We talk about the consequences when we don’t utilize these traits well. We believe it is important for youth to understand that if they begin to practice and embody these traits now, it will continue to benefit them in a multitude of ways in the future.



It is after this time that we learn to dance!!!  We learn a variety of partner dances. We learn some American Smooth (waltz, foxtrot and tango), American Rhythm (cha cha, rumba, and east coast swing), Country (two step, triple two, nightclub 2 step, west coast swing) Club style (merengue & salsa) and line dances.  We rotate these dances every week. So your youth will not be behind if they should miss a week.

After we dance, we engage in a game!  These games vary from tag type games to charades to board games to card games to teambuilding games.  Youth have very few places where they interact with others without their electronic devices. We try to provide an environment where for an hour and a half they are interacting and engaged with other youth with no devices.  The bonds the kids create with one another is unbelievable!!!

We also offer private instruction for children/youth.  We also have opportunities for your child/youth to get involved in performances and competitions as well.

Cost $5/child/class

Age: 8-18

Time: Monday 6:30-8pm